The selected writing participants are invited to come to Maisha with a 7 – 10 page screenplay for a short film. Screenwriting mentors, who conduct workshops on the fundamentals of screenwriting as well as meet with the participants one-on-one to oversee the revision of their work.
On day 9 they pitch their stories and the best four are selected for production.
The first half of the lab is focused on screenwriters, but once the best four are selected, the technical mentors and participants start preparing for production.
They are trained in cinematography, directing, production, sound recording and editing as the acting mentor trains the actors.
Once pre-production is done, the film shoot for the four short films by participants in four teams starts. The end result is four finished short films at the end of the 26 day lab. These are premiered at the Maisha Annual Film Festival (MAFF) soon after.
Browse our list of Alumni that have participated in our film labs. You can search per name or category.
Browse through our movies and short film database and watch them online directly from this website.
The Maisha mentors form the backbone of the Maisha film labs. Browse our mentor database here .