Nyirinkwaya Ngoma

Nyirinkwaya Ngoma

Me, Nyirinkwaya Ngoma, I was born in Kigali 15th April 1992, I live in Kigali, I went in University but I am not yet graduate, I have attended different workshops including Maisha film lab of course 3 times, from 2013 to 2015 all the workshops took place in Kigali-Rwanda, also in 2015 I attended Directing and screenwriting workshop during Mashariki African Film Festival, it took place at Kwetu film institute, also in  May-June /2015 I was one of the participants in EFB (Europaisches Filmzentrum Babelsberg) master class about concept and Realization of Documentary Films. and meanwhile there are other local trainings about cinema I did especially technical side. and after all I decided to stop everything and started engaging myself in Cinema as an art of filmmaking.

For film as a Cinematographer:

  • -on UMUTONI by Roger Niyoyota.
  • -REAL MAN by Kuyisenga sylivie.
  • -KUKO TURIBABI by Bigirmana Fulgence Cassius .
  • -Secret of Happiness (Ibanga ry’Umunezero) by Mutiganda Wa Nkunda.

As assistant Director:

  • -ISHABA(serendipity) short film by Yuhi Amuli.

and other many different projects which are not released because of financial issues.

Film and Achievements

Now I have my first short film called TORMENT, which I shot in the beginning of this year 2017.

It was screened in Mashariki African film Festival, and now is selected in Slum Film Festival in Kenya. and now I have my own Camera (Sony Rx100) that can record both 4K and HD images.


Now I planning to make more film both fiction and documentaries, as I already have scripts for fiction and treatments or documentation for documentaries.


  • Hagati y’urumuri n’umwijima “between the light and the dark” (short).
  • Thorn from the past  (short).
  • Utaravutse “unborn”  (feature)
  • Umubabaro w’imbere “inside pain” (feature)


  • Mugisha “lucky”: is a story about a kid who was abandoned by his mother after birth.(short)
  • Ubuvuzi Gakondo “Traditional Medicine”